Strange Sightings: UFO Hotspots in the UK

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Do you ever procrastinate while doing your uni work by going down an internet rabbit hole of looking into hundreds and thousands of conspiracy theories, from the Illuminati to crop circles and UFO sightings? Why not take a break from your books and screen by looking to the skies?


Previously classified government documents that recorded UFO sightings in the UK have recently been published online for the first time! The Government once put some serious manpower behind UFO sightings in the UK. The Royal Air Force (RAF) recorded public reports and submitted them to the National Archives for years.


Then in true X-Files style, the UFO wing of the RAF was shut down in 2009 after higher-ups concluded that in 50 years, they had found no evidence of a “potential threat”.


Fortunately, enough time has passed for the records to be made public. Although the final records are from 2009, they cover over 636 sightings from across the UK. Reports came in from more than 56 places across England and areas of Scotland, Wales and even the Channel Island. The downside is that this FOI is outdated, which sparks the question of whether UFOs are myths or reality. Luckily, UFO fanatics have released a UK UFO report which reveals the top UFO hotspots across the country.


Wondering if you live in a UFO hotspot? Now you can find out!


The top three hotspots have over 60 sightings between them!


top UK areas for spotting UFOs


Where is the UFO Capital?


Hundreds of reports came in from different locations within the UK from the Southeast, Northwest, Yorkshire & Humber, and East Midlands – with the most UFO sightings being captured in Great Manchester at 26. Greater London follows this with 20 sightings and Hampshire with 19 reports. Although the Southeast region has the highest number of UFO reports at 75 between places like Kent, Surrey, and West Sussex.


Not every area offers prime UFO viewing, with places like the Isle of Wight having just one reported sighting in a year.



When is the best time to spot a UFO?


If you’re wondering how to look for UFOs, most reported sightings don’t happen in the early morning hours as most movies suggest. According to some UFO experts, most sightings occur between 8 pm and midnight across the UK, with the bulk of reports coming between those hours. The peak time is between 10 and 11 pm, with almost 100 sightings. If you’re wondering what to look for exactly, here are some UFO descriptions:


  • London – 22 February: “An object with a white and alternating red light at an angle. Came from South East London towards Canary Wharf. It stopped mid-air, and an alternating sequence of red lights flashed at 180 degrees. Lights switched side instantly.”
  • Kent – 15 April at 8:30 pm: “Two objects, five minutes apart, heading East to West. They looked like fiery orange balls but made no sound. They travelled at the speed of a plane. They had no tail.”
  • Lancashire – 25 July at 11:39 pm: “Five bright orange flame ball type objects seen flying across the sky, moving irregularly. One was moving faster than a plane, and one zig-zagged down towards the ground, reappearing after the other four had moved across the sky and gone.”

Do we believe the truth is out there?

A 2021 YouGov survey revealed that 50% of Britons believe aliens exist and 7% claim to have seen a UFO, while 29% are confident we’re alone in the universe. The data also shows that men are twice as likely than women to believe theyve seen something unexplained.

It also may be a generational thing to believe in the supernatural, with 40 to 45-year-olds more likely to believe than any other age group.        


That’s enough procrastinating for one day! (But if you’re still struggling to focus, check these out)



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