An apprenticeship is an excellent way to gain valuable, hands-on work experience while getting paid and studying.
While the COVID pandemic has had a significant impact on the hiring of apprentices, the good news is that at least 37% of businesses still plan on hiring, and an additional 20% plan to invest in more apprentices.
How do apprenticeships work?
While it differs per company, apprenticeships typically offer passionate candidates the opportunity to learn practical skills while studying. These opportunities are available to anyone over the age of 16. As an apprentice, you'll work as a regular employee, but with enough flexibility to ensure that you get the most out of your experience while also having time to attend lectures or study.
For graduates, apprenticeships allow you to apply what you’ve learned in uni to a real-life work environment, which is invaluable experience when just starting your career.>br />
How to apply for an apprenticeship
You’ll need a professional CV with your personal details, education and any prior work experience or skills you can bring to the table. Make sure that both your CV and cover letter are in line with what the company is looking for.
Tips to remember
- Don’t send the same cover letter to several businesses.
- There are loads of good candidates, so focus on what skills, knowledge and character traits set you apart from anyone else applying.
- Research the company you’re applying with.
- If looking further afield for opportunities, start in larger cities like London and Dublin while expanding your search outwards.
How to find an apprenticeship
There are a few ways to find apprenticeships.
- Do a Google search for 'apprenticeship + job type' to browse for opportunities.
- Create a list of companies you would like to work for and visit their website career pages.
- Most popular job sites have apprenticeship sections or filters to enable searches through the latest opportunities.
- Visit tailored websites, like Find an Apprenticeship, or
- Don't underestimate the power of word of mouth and networking. Use your social channels, LinkedIn profile and friend network to put the word out.
The COVID-impact
The pandemic has impacted the apprenticeship space, but the good news is the government has committed to investing in apprenticeships to help the economy recover, which means support measures will be put in place to help businesses take on new roles. There is still uncertainty around how these new roles will look, and how much remote working and distance learning will be involved. To find out more about apprenticeship stats in England, check out the UK Parliament website for the latest details.